Oops! This isn't the right place to start at! Press the button to go where you should be!

You jump into the hole. You fall for what feels like an hour. You worry that this height might kill you, but once you hit the ground, you just bounce a bit. Odd.

You look around. For some reason, you're in a strange hallway. The floor is tiled but the walls and ceiling are almost like pillows.
Wait, there's no hole in the ceiling. Did it close behind you?

Well, that's concerning. You decide to ignore this, even though it seems like quite an issue.
The hallway leads to a weird door, so you just walk in.

Inside, you find a...
What is that. It looks like a weird cat bug thing. You try to sneak around it, but it immediately notices you.

The weird thing starts moving closer to you. As it moves, its shape seems to shift repeatedly. Every time you look, it has a different length, different legs, and different amounts of teeth. You're pretty sure that's not something that's supposed to happen, but who are you to judge.